Hydro International’s UK Wastewater Services team, M&N, will be exhibiting its inlet works and wastewater solutions and services expertise at this year’s live Water Equipment Show.
On 11 May 2022, one of the UK’s leading trade show for the water and wastewater industry will bring together the country’s leading manufacturers, suppliers, and contractors, showcasing the industry’s latest product and services, with technical conferences and breakout sessions.
The UK Wastewater Services team will be on hand to showcase its inlet works hire, service, repair and new equipment solutions, including a wide range of inlet screens, grit removal and Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) equipment to help water companies meet AMP7 and Water Industry National Environment Programme (WINEP) obligations.
On the stand, you’ll be able to see a working demonstration model of a hydrodynamic separator. This proven technology, with a long-standing track record around the world, is at the heart of their Grit King grit removal system, and their Storm King CSO treatment system. The Grit King is a compact, unpowered system that removes up to 95% of grit particles 106μm or larger at the inlet works, preventing costly abrasion and clogging of downstream processes.

The Storm King® combines 6 mm in two direction screening with hydrodynamic separation to remove total suspended solids (TSS) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) at sewer overflow points. Advanced hydrodynamic separators have no moving parts and require no power to drive the separation process so are very cost-effective to operate and maintain.
Simon Light, National Sales Manager for Hydro International’s UK Wastewater Services team comments: “We are looking forward to joining attendees at the Water Equipment Show this year. Our specialist team will be on hand to provide expert insight on standards, designs and bespoke configurations for inlet works and CSOs.”