Wessex Water Foundation funds more than 60 Environmental projects

The Wessex Water Foundation has awarded £72,000-plus to projects that improve the environment.

Successful applicants for the latest round of Environment Fund funding were selected by local panels of experts, including representatives of Wildlife Trusts. Projects included:

  • Bournemouth-based charity Grounded Community, who have been awarded £1,500 to maintain and run their community garden and composting programme as part of their goal to create a closed loop system that benefits the environment.
  • The Birch Collective in Bristol have received a £1,500 grant to reclaim a significant area of derelict allotments to create a wildlife-friendly orchard and soft fruit area, alongside nesting sites for birds and invertebrates.
  • Sustainable Devizes will use their £330 award to fund a waste reduction demonstration pack, which will include sustainable goods such as reusable menstrual and continence products and washable nappies.
  • Seed of Hope social enterprise group in Somerset have been awarded £1,500 to install a rainwater harvesting system for their community garden project, which aims to help local people with mental health problems through recovery-based therapeutic gardening.

The Wessex Water Foundation is a multi-million pound initiative, launched in June 2020, which provides a dedicated funding stream for projects across the region. It is run in partnership with the Somerset, Wiltshire, Dorset and Quartet Community Foundations and provides at least half a million pounds of funding every year.

The Foundation’s Environment Fund supports charitable and community activities across the region that aim to improve their local environment.

Kirsty Scarlett, Wessex Water’s head of community engagement, said:

“We are pleased to support these wonderful projects and are looking forward to seeing how they help to transform communities and raise people’s appreciation of the local environment.

“We are delighted to be working once again with the Community Foundations in our region and independent community panel members to help us in the decision-making process, including representation from Wildlife Trusts and environmental experts.”



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