Compact, dual channel units for cost-effective monitoring

Monitoring the dynamic behaviour of smaller rotating machinery such as gas turbines, pumps, motors, fans and centrifuges has become increasingly important in today’s highly competitive, cost-conscious environment.

Having access to devices which provide cost-effective yet sophisticated monitoring for this type of plant and machinery is why condition monitoring specialists developed their DN26 G3 machine protection system.

The DN26 G3 dual channel protection system has been well established in the market for many years and Sensonics has supplied 1,000’s of these compact, din rail mountable units for a wide range of small to medium machinery monitoring applications. Demand continues to grow as illustrated by a recent delivery of 25 x DN26 G3 dual channel vibration monitors to a Middle East based Gas Transmission company underlining the successful application of these innovative and cost-effective monitoring systems across a broad range of installations.

At this site these panel mounted monitors are being used on existing Dresser-Rand turbine compressors in a gas pressure booster station. They will be monitoring radial shaft vibration and axial shaft position (eddy current proximity probes) on the compressor and for the turbine will be monitoring absolute casing vibration (high temperature accelerometers) at both the gas generator and power turbine locations.

The dual channel din rail mountable DN26G3 unit provides monitoring of bearing vibration, shaft vibration, or shaft position with fully programmable signal conditioning and includes a range of measurement algorithms and sensor options. The unit is designed for optimum flexibility; as a universal module (single hardware platform) and is field upgradable and fully programmable.

Special protection options include slow rotation vibration monitoring down to 0.2Hz and narrow band filter measurements for specific vibration signatures. In addition the unit offers a dedicated speed monitor channel which can also be utilised as a phase reference for further harmonic analysis of the vibration signals.

The sensor interface is programmable to accept IEPE type accelerometers / velometers, proximity probes (API 670 standard), and active / passive speed probes.

All sensor signals are available via a buffered interface which provides the option of further detailed analysis if required. Three alarm relays are available as standard (expandable to up to seven relays via a digital interface), one dedicated to indicate module and sensor integrity. The other two relays are fully programmable across the alarm criteria selected and all three input channels measured values are available via a 4-20mA interface.

The unit is available with Ethernet communications as standard, permitting configuration either locally or remotely through the in-built webserver and offering Modbus over TCPIP for connecting measured data to other plant wide systems. The DN26-G3 features a built-in intuitive colour LCD display and menu drive facility providing various display modes and an alarm historian with real time logging capability.




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