Water Magazine Monthly Print & Digital Edition Classified Section Advertisements

Water Magazine Monthly Print & Digital Edition Classified Section Advertisements:

Use this order form to enter your company into Water Magazine’s monthly classified section.

This section is published at the rear of the monthly magazine. Your entry will appear every month, under a heading of your choice, for 12 months.

Classified advertisements measure 86mm in width but can be any height between 20mm up to 100mm. If you require a size other than the ones listed, please email dan@watermagazine.co.uk

Please select your required size:

If you require a size other than those listed, please email dan@watermagazine.co.uk


£ 0.00

The above cost is a one off charge for 12 months inclusion in both the print & digital editions of the monthly magazine. Price is subject to vat at standard rate and invoiced after the first appearance.

Artwork for your classified advertisement should be emailed to dan@watermagazine.co.uk as a high res print ready pdf file. We can accept other formats, and also offer a design service, so if you are unsure about artwork requirements, please do feel free to get in touch.

Your artwork can be amended at any time by emailing a new artwork file, and the change will be made in the next available edition.

Please select your required heading:

Classified advertisements appear underneath a heading of your choice. The heading can either be created especially for you, or you can choose from a heading already in use. A good heading will be one or two words that readers might think of when searching for products or services, such as PUMPS or FLOW MEASUREMENT.

Invoice details:

By completing this form you agree to be invoiced by Capel Media Limited with a one-off payment for a classified advertisement to be printed in Water Magazine’s monthly print & digital edition for 12 months. Payment is to be made by bank transfer no later than 30 days after invoice date.

Capel Media Limited reserves the right to refuse an advertisement booking if the artwork or content supplied is unsuitable for use, or breaches any of the UK's Advertising Standards Authority guidelines. Capel Media Limited adheres to the Advertising Codes, as written by The Committee of Advertising Practice.