Following on from the successes of the co-located WWEM (Water, Wastewater and Environmental Monitoring exhibition) and AQE (The Air Quality and Emissions Monitoring) events held in Telford this year, the organiser has announced a new venue.
The next events, due to take place on 9th and 10th October 2024, will be located at the NEC, Birmingham.
Marcus Pattison, Managing Director, International Labmate said:
“With increased environmental regulation, pressure on industry to meet targets, public awareness and concern for the air we breathe the water we drink we have seen both an increase in visitor and exhibitor numbers of people and companies who wish to tackle climate change and thus have now outgrown our current venue. The move to the NEC will allow us further expansion and better accessibility for local and international visitors to these two leading industry events.”
Richard Mann, New Business Director, NEC Group said:
“We’re excited to welcome these exhibitions to the NEC, bringing access to a larger audience through our on-site airport, train station and our location in the heart of the motorway network. The exhibitions are a core component of their industry and our connectivity as the National Exhibition Centre will allow them to grow and expand.”